Tashi McClain encourages students with some tough love.

Each Thursday and Friday, Tashi McClain gets to interact with kids on a one-on-one basis, while going on fun field trips, such as a trip to a Halloween corn maze.  After hearing about Youth Life on a freshman year field trip with one of her classes, Tashi, a Lipscomb University senior, studying law, justice and society, and a member of her school’s Phi Alpha Delta, later came across Youth Life again and decided to take action.  She has been volunteering in YLLC West’s middle school classroom for the past year and a half.  Although the days of the week have varied due to the class schedule that semester, Tashi’s mission is the same– to encourage the students that they can succeed.  She says that when the students complain about work being too difficult or too long, rather than sugar-coating it, she tells students that homework only gets more difficult when you get to college and that understanding the foundation for education will help them later.  Encouragement from students not to give up is sometimes all they need, no matter their circumstances.

“I want to be an example for them [communicating to them] that no matter what background you are from, you can do whatever you want to do.  I came from a single-parent home like many of the YLLC students… even though I fell under that statistic, I didn’t let that stop me from reaching my goals.”

Tashi is truly one who sets an example for those at Youth Life.  When students see that she is still able to volunteer at the centers twice per week to help students with their homework, they too feel they can step it up.  Tashi would like to invite others to volunteer with her at Youth Life Learning Centers.

“Give it a chance,” she says.  “You can’t change the world, but you can make a difference with one student at a time.  You don’t need to come every day, but if you change one life, they can change other lives.  You can start the chain and think about the greater good.  And it honestly doesn’t take a lot, even if it’s only one or two hours per week.”

Arianna Collins chosen to deliver YLLC student speech at benefit luncheon

Arianna Collins, a seventh-grader at the Kirkpatrick YLLC, has had a very busy summer and beginning of the school year with Youth Life!  During the month of June, Arianna attended Camp Youth Life, where staff commented on how she consistently is a leader and sets a great example for her peers!  At the end of July, Arianna was chosen to share an original speech at Youth Life’s Women and Girls Benefit Luncheon.

Arianna Collins shares her experience with YLLC

Arianna Collins shares her experience with YLLC

Arianna shared the stage with women leaders such as Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King, daughter of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and First Lady of Tennessee, Crissy Haslam.  She shared how the YLLC has been a positive impact in her life and sharing what she aspires to be when she grows up.  Arianna is the our first “Student Highlight,” because she continues to impress everyone with her leadership skills at Youth Life.  Arianna welcomed her younger brother to YLLC this year, and we at Youth Life will continue to expect exceptional things from this young lady during the 2011 – 2012 school year and beyond!

Register NOW for Women’s & Girls’ Benefit Luncheon on July 28th

Click to Register!

In honor of Women’s History Month and our YLLC girls, we know another way you can help support our initiatives. Celebrating our tenth anniversary, Youth Life Learning Centers presents our Women’s & Girls’ Benefit Luncheon on July 28, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Listen to our moving keynote speaker, Dr. Bernice King, daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr., meet some of the YLLC girls, and enjoy a delicious lunch, while benefiting our at-risk students.

Click the image to the left to register.  As a special incentive, the first five women to register receive a special gift from Youth Life Learning Centers.

Not only can you register for the event, but you can also be a volunteer for our luncheon and other upcoming events.  Please write your name(s), email address(es), and telephone number(s) if you (or your group) are interested in volunteering with our event planning committee.

Thank you for your generous support.