Why Tennessee Needs You to Care

The state we know and love recently learned some news in education that may have been difficult to hear.  However, it is important that we understand why services like Youth Life are needed in this community.  If you aren’t sure what I might be talking about, please read the article below.

According to 2011 National Assessment of Education Progress, Tennessee dropped one to seven places in the national ranking, putting the state in the bottom ten for reading and math among fourth and eighth grade levels.  Read more.

Although this is our present state, it does not have to be our future.  Articles like this make you realize why Tennessee needs you to care and make a stand for a change in academics.  Services like ours provides students with the right tools to complete their homework, learn what they may not have understood in the classroom, and receive one-on-one time strengthening their academic weaknesses.  This is why it is critical to support services like Youth Life for not only the future of these students’ lives, but also for the sake of our state.

If you haven’t made the decision to change the future of Tennessee, start today.

  1. Give $10 to Youth Life through our $Ten for Tenn. Campaign!
  2. Help students with their homework
  3. Become a mentor to a student living in the inner-city

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